
Lend a Hand

Did you know that you can help us make this site better? This year we are focussing on sharing and remembering the agricultural heritage of Innisfil. Innisfil has long been a farming community; many who grew up here remember having to do many chores around the farm before doing anything else.

You may have noticed that every photo you click on has a form below it where you can add information to pictures. We call it "Suggest a Correction". Can you help us identify any of the people, equipment or activities in the photos? We need YOUR expertise!

Take a look at the photos in our agriculture section and Suggest a Correction!

Do you remember helping out on the farm? Share your stories with us. Whether it was feeding the chickens and milking the cows or helping with the threshing we'd love to have the chance to interview you for our oral history section. Use the Suggest a Correction form or click here to Contact Us. Your e-mails go straight to me.

Black and white image of a cow looking at directly at the camera from the front
