
Renew Your 2025 Membership!

What better way is there to ring in 2025 than to support another year of historical programming by renewing your membership with the Innisfil Historical Society!

For just $30 for an annual Individual, Couples, or Family Membership, your membership will help support a variety of activities and initiatives throughout the year including guest speakers and other special events along with the continued stewardship of Innisfil's history.

Whether you've been a long-time member or are joining for the first time, be sure to fill out the updated Membership Registration Form and either bring it with you to the next meeting, mail it to the address below, or e-mail it to

Payments for membership can be made in three easy ways:

By e-transfer: send to
By cheque: mail to PO Box 7176 Innisfil, ON, L9S 1A9
By cash: at any regular meeting
