Innisfil Historical Society


Innisfil Historical Society Fair Painswick
Innisfil Historical Society Fair. The School was demolished in 1981. FAIRS - HISTORICAL FAIR AT PAINSWICK, IHS2946
Innisfil Honour Roll On Barrie Cenotaph - World War I
List of names of Innisfil men on the Barrie cenotaph.
Innisfil Inaugural Council 1955
Attending the inaugural Innisfil Council Meeting in 1955. Pictured are: J. Cowan, L. Cumming. Mrs. C. Sproule, D. Nelson, A. Todd, H. Hughes, and R. Sproule. This photo appeared on page 69 of the Stroud Tweedsmuir History Vol. II. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site., IHS3382-74
Innisfil Inaugural Council Meeting-1951
Inaugural Council meeting- Rev. Sanders, Reeve Lockhart, T. Cook, R. Sproule, Blythe McConkey, A. Todd, J. Cowan, W.W. Campbell, A. Ireton, G.C. Allan (Clerk) Page 69 Stroud Tweedsmuir Hist. Vol. II Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3382-74A
Innisfil Old Boys 50 Year Residents
Group portrait of ten men in two rows of five. If you can provide further information about this photograph please fill out the form below by clicking on the "details" tab. [Note: original information included in this record is inaccurate, listing more names than there are people in this photo. Original info follows until we can more accurately identify then men in this photo] "Innisfil Old Boys" residents of Innisfil for 50 years and over. Back row: John Pratt 1848; Lemuel Srigley 1851; Henry Rich 1825; Frederick Quantz 1849; Samuel Cullens 1846; John Metcalf 1838. Front Row: John Blackmore 1855; Samuel Reynolds 1850; Seymour C. Webster 1854; Thomas Johnson 1850; George Cowan 1856; John Lockhart 1845. (note; date following name is the date the person came to Innisfil., IHS2926
Innisfil Old Boys Club 1904
Group photo of the Innisfil Old Boys Club, which consisted of men of the Township of Innisfil who had been resident for 60 years or more. The men in the photo are arranged in three rows standing, seated in chairs, and seated on the floor respectively. They are all dressed in long dark jackets, and they all sport beards or moustaches. The names of each man and the year in which they first became residents are listed at the bottom of the photo, which was taken in Barrie on 27 September 1904. From left to right, back row: Robert Black 1847, Robert Reid 1840, Frank Wice 1837, William Webb 1843, Hanning Warnica 1837, Frank Rogerson 1833, Robert Redfern 1839, Joseph Orchard 1834, John K. Ross, 1836, William Dickie 1846, Charles Cross 1839, and Robert Hypson 1837. Second row: Charles Hindle 1832, John Brester 1856, James Ellis 1846, William Lennox 1832, Thomas McCullough 1832, John L. Warnica 1832, James Cross 1836, Peter Wice 1833, Thomas Jack 1832, and Walter Tanner 1840. Front row: Samuel Manur 1834, Charles Dyer 1843, William Manur 1832, and George Wice 1833., IHS3792, IHS2925
Innisfil Old Boys, 2004
Group photo taken of the Innisfill Old Boys who lived in Innisfil a minimum of 60 years and more. The photo was taken at Grange Hall in Lefroy on 27 September 2004. The front row of men are seated while the rest are standing behind them, or on the stage at the back. Pictured in the photo from left to right, back row: Leonard Burke, Andrew Cowan, Fred Eastland, John Atkinson, Wilson Forbes, Morgan Watson, and Doug Brewster. Second row from back: Ray Sutton, Alfred Corner, Gordon Todd, John Goodfellow, Ted Dallimore, Ivan Kell, Norman Neely, Jim Dietrich, Alvin Reid, Bill Forbes, Keith Kell, Duncan Coutts, and Walter Browning. Centre row: Walter Boyd, Don McNabb, Noel Andrade, Grant Andrade, Walter Warnica, Don Ferrier, Keith Sinclair, and Hilton Webb. Second row from front: Rick Morris, Selby Bowman, Wallace Lucas, Wallace Black, Wally Wright, Bruce Webb, Blythe Black, George Lucas, Don Sawyer, and Garry Sawyer. Front row: Ted Corner, Gordon Sheldon, Allen Henry, Lloyd Webb, W.J.R. Marling, John Duncan, Cyril Spence, Arthur Jack, and Ron Cook. Missing from the photo are: Bill Boychof, Orville Carter, Blake Constable, Emie Goheen, Hugh Jackson, Sid Jones, Garnet Ley, Ken Matchett, Bill Moyer, Ross Parker, Gordon Payne, Denis Sheard, Gordon Shering, Harry Squibb, and Ken Winter., IHS3886a
Innisfil Old Girls Photo
Photo of Innisfil Old Girls - all of whom had lived in Innisfil for 60 years or more Photo taken at Grange Hall, Lefroy, IHS3887
Innisfil Park
Innisfil Park - Gate posts put in, in 1932. Mr. Thomas Donnelly was caretaker before office, admission booth was added. (Mrs. May Reive's father) Parks - Innisfil, IHS578
Innisfil Park
Marking 25 years since the purchase of Innisfil Park. Left to right: Charles Henry, Frank Beatty, Alfred Webb, Clifford Lockhart, Dalton Banting and Thomas Cook. All were Reeves, at one time, of Innisfil., IHS2111
Innisfil Park
Postcard photo of Innisfil Park at Cedar Harbour, west of Lake Simcoe. The photo was taken by Jack Bain of Toronto in 1951 and shows a number of tents and cars parked on an open stretch of lawn. The park was opened in the early 1920s., IHS671
Innisfil Park 1942
Taken 1942, just before Howard Stewart went overseas. Back row L to R: Willard Stewart, father Robert Stewart. Middle: Bertha (Stewart) Jory, Mother Alda Stewart, Russell Stewart Front: Marian (Stewart) Ferguson, Thomas Howard Stewart. Costumes., IHS1366
Innisfil Park 8 Conc.
Innisfil Park, Concession booth to the left, then change rooms. Old Pump - person at pump unknown. Thomas Donnelly built pavilion. He was the only one taking care of the park. He worked there at night. Parks - Innisfil, IHS584
Innisfil Park 8Th Con.
Picture of Admission booth and flowers in window boxes, at Innisfil Park. Admission sign with prices on. Parks, Innisfil, IHS581
Innisfil Park 8Th Conc.
Two people in picture with backs turned, names unknown. Left to right Roy Beatty, Bill Lamb, Edna Beatty (Mrs. Bertha Stewart's sister in law),Doug Beatty in her arms, Effie Lamb(Mrs. Bertha Stewart's sister in law). Mrs. Effie Lamb is the lady with the hat in the photo. Front row: Gordon Beatty, Dora Metcalfe, Madeline Beatty, Murwood Lamb. Costumes, IHS983
Innisfil Park 8Th Line
Innisfil Park 8th line, after the office admission building added. People unknown. Parks, Innisfil, IHS579
Innisfil Park, Alcona Beach
Souvenir postcard of the gateway to Alcona Beach at Cedar Harbour, Innisfil Park., IHS3849
Innisfil Park, Cedar Harbour
Postcard of two young boys playing on some rocks along the shore of Lake Simcoe in Innisfil Park, Cedar Harbour. A crowded beach is visible in the background with a number of swimmers standing waist deep in water., IHS3791
Innisfil Pipe Band
Innisfil Pipe Band entertained during the afternoon.
Innisfil Police Force - 1958
Innisfil Police Force 1958, appointed after first Police Commission created Chief Stewart Fisher. Back row: Alf Chalmers, Duncan Crone, Ron Crone Front row: Ken Stevenson, Stewart Fisher, Carm Dollory, IHS4118
Innisfil Police Force Circa 1965
Innisfil Police Force circa 1965: Left to Right: Aurel Dorian, Allan Martin, Roy Mullis, Ron Crone, Chief Bill Brown, Bob Thompson, Alfred "Sonny" Chalmers. A photograph of Allan Martin, Sargeant, Innisfil Police, is on file at the Document Centre., IHS4153
Innisfil Post Office
House in which the Innisfil Post Office was located, the home of Benjamin Ross. From the Stroud Tweedsmuir Histories, Vol. 111., IHS3383-63A
Innisfil Recreation Centre, Stroud
Photo of the exterior of the Innisfil Recreation Centre in Stroud. The building houses the Stroud Curling Club, Library, Community Room, and Arena. It was officially opened in January 1976 and is a large rectangular shaped building in brown and grey. The photo, taken the year the building opened, shows a number of cars in an unpaved parking lot., IHS4262
Innisfil Road Dept. 1960
Township Road Department - Barclay (8th line and Hwy.11) Built in fall of 1958, moved in January 1959 George Burton was the Contractor. (l to r): John Cowan, (road superintendant), Chris Steenholdt Innisfil, Township of, Roads Dept. - employees John Cowan, Chris Steenholdt, IHS1616
Innisfil School Fair
Innisfil School Fair in Stroud. From page 117 of the Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. 11., IHS3382-123
Innisfil Staff Congratulate Simcoe County Warden 1992
Innisfil Town Staff Congratulate new Warden of Simcoe CountyA: Bob Lemmon, Pat Mergl, Treasurer Andrew Cowan, CAO Richard Groh, Chief Librarian Susan Downs, Roy Bridge, Warden and Mayor Stewart Fisher, Fire Chief Doug Rose - - Clerk Paul Landry, Kathy Tyndal, Steve Cancilla, Bob Moisie., IHS4300
Innisfil Township Centennial
Innisfil Township Centennial Celebration: The Churchill Women's Institute Float: Left to right: Florrie (Mrs. Nelson) Browning, driving horses (not visible), Dorothy (Mrs. Jack) Constable, ____, Jean (Mrs. Alick) Saunter at the spinning wheel and Mina (Mrs. Wm.) Kelly., IHS1009
Innisfil Township Centennial Celebratons
Mina (Constable) Kelly, and Dorothy (Allan) Constable - dressed for Churchill Women's Institute Float., IHS1011s
Innisfil Township Municipal Administrative Office
Innisfil Township Municipal Administrative Office, opened on September 9, 1972., IHS4271
