Lefroy Public School 1906-07 Front row: (L to r) Byron Grose, Aubrey Ardill, Cecil Grose, Percy Taylor, Roy Graham, Winnifred Graham, May Gulston, Willie Gulston, Grace Gulston, Helen King, Mildred Gilpin, Helen Gilpin, Jessie McCullough, Della Wood Second row: Willie Graham, William Atkinson, Murray King, Edith Wood, Irene Grose, Vivian Grose, Edna Graham, Bertha Atkinson, Mabel Ardill, Muriel Adams, Hazel Morton, Lillian Whan, Thomasene Sproule, Eva Whan, Christina Jamison (visitor) Third Row:(l to r) Gertie Gilpin, Lila Adams, Edith Gulston, Gladys Ardill, Agnes McCullough, Mildred Todd, Evelyn Gilpin, Mary McCullough, Stella Ardill, Annie Wallace (teacher), Charlie Gulston Fourth Row (l to r): Robert King, William McCullough, Norman King, Elmer Woods, In left window: Harry Gulston, Fred Gulston, Fred James In Right window: Burleigh Douse, Arthur Sproule, Earl King Costumes