Nantyr School S.S.#8 Back row (l to r): Mrs. Doris Booth, Beth Andrade, Marlene Baldwin, Ann Webster, Muriel Paget, Jean Paget, Edith Thompson, Philip Thompson, Philip Rodgers, David Croney, Grant Andrade, Alex Diaczenko, Gordon Ferrier, Harvey Spring Second row: (l to r): Mary Webster, Carolyn Beatty, June Johnston, Marian Jonah, Elizabeth Beatty, Ann Pawlitza, Berly Andrade, Norman Smurthwaite, Gerald Smith, Raymond Dietrich, Walter Diaczenko, Norman Johnston, John Moore, Alan Jones, Brian Law First row (l to r): Ethelynn Ryder, Anne Marie Steenholdt, Carole Jonah, Rosemary Jonah, Lynn Andrade, Reta Cook, Barbara Howell, David Webster, James Brady, Bernard Baldwin, John Dekline, Frank Pawlitza