In the fall of 2015 the Grade 8 class at Alcona Glen Public school embarked on an inquiry project designed to further the class’s investigative skills while honouring the lives and memories of local Veterans. Within Walking distance of Alcona Glen there are 25 streets named for WWI & II Veterans. Students researched the lives of the veterans and summarized them, attaching them to a map of the community. This project honours Private Eston Henry Lowrie, born August 30, 1889 in Manitoba. He worked as a printer in Prince Albert and later moved to Cookstown. He was a member of the 2nd Canadian Machine Gun Brigade during World War I. Service number 643482. Lowrie was a victim of a gas attack in September 1918, and later died on December 10, 1918 from bronchial pneumonia at age 29. He is buried at Etaples Military Cemetery in France. [Note: Additional information not included in original research project follows.] Lowrie's next of kin was his father, also Henry Lowrie of Cookstown. He attested with the 157th Simcoe Foresters - one of the Simcoe Battalions. It was later broken up to provide reinforcements to other battalions. Lowrie died iserving with the 2nd Motor Machine Gun Company, part of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Private Lowrie's date of death (December 10, 1918) is after the end of World War I (November 11, 1918). Etaples was the site of more than ten military hospitals. Etaples Cemetery is one the largest WWI cemeteries with over 10 000 burials.