FRONT ROW: ( l to r ): ________' ________' ________' ________'______' ______'Roy Allen, Tom Allen, Allan Watt,______' Donald Cowan, Willie Lautenback, George Wise, Mrs. Fred Ayerst,____Somers, _______' Willie Davis. SECOND ROW _______' _____' Marjorie Ness, with hat, Beatrice Ness, Mabel Lautenback behind Roy Allen, Gertie Hubbert behind Willie Lautenback,( Elizabeth Bowman behind George Wice )Mary A.Cowan (last 2nd row) Back Row: John Cowan, Sr. Mrs. John Cowan, baby Bruce Cowan, Frank Robertson Millie Rainey, ________' Jennie Reynolds,________' _______' Tom Reynolds _______________ Joseph Bowman behind Gertie Hubbert to the left Fred Reynolds behind Joe Bowman,_______' Harry Reynolds Extreme right to back: Mrs.Wm. Wonch with hat. Costumes.