Alice Baker Collection
- Lorne Harris with Truck in Fort William
- Louisa Brezill
- Marj, Art, Alice Hansen
- Marj., Alice
- Mary Cecilia Harris
- May 1990 Newsletter, James McQueen School in Fergus, Ontario
- McBride Family Cemetery Monument
- McIntosh Family Photo
- McMillan - Laseer Photo
- Mel Marling with a Steam Engine
- Members of a Country Music Band
- Mike Brazell and cousin Albert Thompson
- Miss Mae Sutherland (House)
- Monkman's Egg-Grading Station
- Monkman's Store
- Mr. & Mrs. Art Hansen; Victoria St., W.
- Mr. & Mrs. Bert Marwood (House), Mrs. Grace Kirby
- Mr. & Mrs. Chas Blackmore (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Dan Krass (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hopper (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Cave (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brolley & Zella, Allan Nixon (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. George Fildey & Family
- Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Turner (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Hector Smith (House), Donald, Wallace, Lynn
- Mr. & Mrs. Henley (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. James [Patty] Reain (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Joe Smith (House)
- Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Alice Baker
- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wilson in 1962