A Century Ago In Tecumseth Township Here is a list of names of residents of Tecumseth Township a century ago. It may not be complete, but many of today's residents will find the names of forebears among those listed. The names are arranged alphabetically and will be continued in next week's issue, there being too many to record completely this week. Post Offices --Alliston, Clover Hill, Cookstown, Newtownrobinson, Penville, Tecumseth, Thompsonville. (The numerals following each name represent the concession, and lot number, and letters "f" and "h" indicate whether a free holder or a householder). Sanford, Wm. H., merchant 3-9f; Scanlon, James, innkeeper 6-5f; Schmietendorf, John, merchant; 13-9f; Scholfield, T.C., M.D. 6-24f; Schoolcraft, Mrs., innkeeper 8-10f; Schonney, Thos. 10-19h; Scott, Charles 11-6f; Scott, David 14-6f; Scott, Robt. 14-10h; Seberry, Ann 14-15f; Semple, Hugh 4-7f; Semple, John 7-7f; Sharp, Wm., shoemaker 3-6f; Shields, Francis, drover 4-6f; Silvester, Henry, merchant 8-10f; Sinclair, Peter 6-23h; Skelly, Barnard 2-1f; Skelly, Patrick 6-6f; Skelly, Thos. 1-1f; Slaon, Jas. 1-14h; Smart, Adam 8-10f; Smart, George 7-9f; Smart, Wm. 8-11h; Smith, Hugh and James 6-11f; Smith, John, sawyer 8-10f; Smith, Samuel 8-15h; Smith, Thos. W. innkeeper 5-18h; Snowdon, Thos. 1-10f; Somerville, Mrs. 8-10f; Souls, Thos. H. 6-21f; Spear, James 3-20h; Spillet, Richard 10-21h; Spring, William 2-23h; Sprole, Robert, sawyer 7-10h; Sprole, William 13-14h; Spurway, Thomas 11-5f; St. John, Thomas 12-10h; Steel, James 8-2h; Steel, William 8-2h; Stephens, Alex. 3-7f; Stephens, Alfred O. 8-9f; Stephens, Charles N, 7-12h; Stephens, F.S., J.P. 8-12f; Stephenson, Alex. 8-17f; Stephenson, James and Stephenson, William 3-16h; Stephenson, John 11-3f; Stephenson, W. 7-10h; Stewart, Alex. 6-10f; Stewart, Edwin 7-12h; Stewart, Garrard Jr. 7-9f; Stewart, James 13-12h; Stewart, John 14-14f; Stewart, Robert G. 6-10f; Stone, Henry 3-6h; Stone, Isaac 4-19f; Stone, Joseph 4-20h; Strachan, John, shoemaker 15-5f; Strangway, Fred, J.P. 5-17f; Strong, J.G., merchant 15-24h; Strongman, Arthur and Strongman, Francis 12-5h; Strongman, Wm., teacher 11-8f; Sunderland, Alex. 7-20f; Sunderland, G. 15-2h; Sydie, Alex.,blacksmith 5-19f; Sydie, John, saddler 3-5f; Tackaberry, J.G., sawyer 12-3f; Tait, Wm. 15-24h; Tegart, George 4-8h; Tegart, James 4-8f; Tench, Edwin 9-12f; Thomas, A. 12-6h; Thompson, James 12-8f; Thompson, Joseph 4-23f; Thompson, Martin, miller 13-9f; Thompson, Thos. Jr. 4-23h; Thompson, Wm. 6-18h; Thompson, Wm. 1-23h; Tickner, Wm. 12-7h; Tilson, Richard 14-11h; Timmons, John 9-7h; Tormey, Denis 2-18f; Totten, Alex. 3-6f; Totten, Wm., sawyer 5-16h; Tracy, George 1-21h; Tracy, John 2-3h; Tracy, Richard 1-16h; Tain, Wm. sawyer 12-7h; Turner, Edw., merchant 4-19f; Vincent. Daniel, teacher 1-21f; Walker, James 3-22f; Walker, Wm. 3-21f; Walker, John Jr. 14-15h; Walker, Joseph 9-24h; Walker, J.D., merchant 2-5f; Walker, Oliver 9-21h; Walker, Samuel 3-22f; Walker, Wm. and George 2-21h; Walker, William 1-54f; Walls, Hannah 3-14f; Walls, Joseph 5-16f; Walls, Thomas 2-7f; Wallwin, Edwin 2-7f; Ward, Samuel and Ward, Thos. 6-16f; Washburn, -- 7-18h; Watson, Charles 6-4f; Watt, Robt. 7-8h; Welsh, James 4-24h; Welsh, John11-21f; Welsh, John 2-24f; Welsh, Patrick 1-15f; West, J. 4-18f; Whitelock, Francis 1-21f; Whiteside, W.N., M.D. 8-10f; Williams, Henry 3-14f; Williams, Isaac 5-14f; Williams, John 5-12f; Williams, Thos. E. 2-7f; Williams, Thos. 4-1f; Williamson, John 10-11f; Willoughby, Henry Jr. 8-24h; Willoughby, John 7-22f; Willougby, Nicholas 8-17f; Willoughby, Wm. 7-14f; Wilson, Alex. 12-12f; Wilson, Alex. 4-5h; Wilson, Charles Jr. 4-33h; Wilson, James, carpenter and Wilson, John, carpenter 2-8h; Wilson, John, merchant 3-5f; Wilson, Richard 13-7h; Winans, Jacob 5-21h; Woods, Isaac 1-11h; Wood, Wm. 11-10f; Wood, Wm. 5-6h; Woolcock, John 8-21f; Wray, Benjamin 3-18f; Wray, Eli and Wray, Elias 2-17f; Wray, Middleton 1-22f; Wright, Francis 12-9h; Wright, Henry 7-1f; Wright, Wm. 12-17f; Wright, Wm, 7-16; Wright, Wm. 1-9.