Copy of a newspaper advertisement for the Bell Ewart Foundry and Machine Shop. The text reads: "The Proprietor of the Bell Ewart Foundry and Machine Shop, in thanking the Public for past patronage, begs to solicit a continuance of the same, and to assure them that his best endeavors will be put forth to give satisfaction. Steam Engines, Mills, Mill Geering, Casting of all kinds, Ploughs, Sugar Kettles, Stoves, &c., &c., kept constantly on hand. He would invite particular attention to his make of Circular Saw Mills, an inspection o[f] which will satisfy all as to their superiority, as they are the heaviest, and acknowledged to be the most substantial Mill, at present in use. He has the largest Lathe on this side Toronto, and can swing a six foot wheel, or turn a Shaft 18 feet long; so that parties need not go past Bell Ewart with a big job, or for heavy castings. Bell Ewart, Dec. 5, 1868. Alexander Macbean. 45-tf"