The following description comes from a dialogue between John Cowan and Don Beatty, Don Beatty speaking: "Bob Colligan's jitney used to travel from Lefroy Station to Belle Ewart and Tent City. I don't remember Colligan but, as a young lad I remember both Dick Forbes having horse-drawn jitneys that held eight to ten people - closed them in inclement weather - and in those days, of course, a great many more people had cottages than cars. They came up by train, and then jitneys meeting the train took them to DeGrassi, Belle Ewart, Tent City and cottages that were on the shore. It was quite a business. Mr. James, of course, had a livery stable in Lefroy as well and rented horses out to salesmen who got off the train and went out to canvas sales around the country to the farms and businesses back from the railroad. Later on Mr. James got a Model T Ford, and I think his daughter Marjory, who was later Mrs. Frank Jones, operated that business for a few years until the days when the automobile started to come in." The jitney pictured here is led by two white horses with two unidentified men in the front seat.