Picture post card of the Men's and the Ladies' baseball teams in Lefroy. The Ladies and 40's Baseball teams were organized in the summer of 1913. Norman King (not pictured) acted as Coach and Manager. In the photo the men are standing in the back row dressed in white shirts and ties, and the ladies are seated on the grass in white blouses, neckerchiefs, and long skirts. Pictured from left to right, back row: Charles McLennan, Frank Whan, Isaac Morton, Mr. Douse, Andice King, Mr. Forrester, Chris Grose, Irving Nelson, and Sam Todd. Middle row: Madeline Forrester, Della Wood, Helen King, and Mabel McLennan. Front row: Hazel Morton, Lillian Whan, Florence Beatty, Mabel Stewart, Fern Forrester, Tide Wood, Zella Reid (pitcher), Edith Wood (catcher), Jean McLean, and Henry Douse (mascot). This photo was taken in or about 1913, and the majority of the men were enlisted in the service. After each game someone a collection was taken for the Red Cross.