Innisfil Historical Society


Stroud Post Office - 1974
The Stroud Post Office in 1974. Now part of medical offices and pharmacy, formerly Chantker's Store and Innisfil Farmer's Credit Union., IHS4321
Stroud Presbyterian Church
The front of Stroud Presbyterian Church.
Stroud Presbyterian Church Centennial Year
Stroud Presbyterian Church Centennial Year Calendar. Order of service for four special services: April 25-2010, May 24-2009, May 31-2009, Nov. 15-2009., IHS4349
Stroud Presbyterian Cornerstone - 1909
Laying the cornerstone at Stroud Presbyterian Church in 1909 by Dr. McLeod with Rev. L. McLean as minister., IHS240
Stroud Presbyterian Manse
Stroud Presbyterian Manse, built by Rev. Wm. McConnell, The Florence Nightingale home. From the Stroud Tweedsmuir Histories Vol. 111., IHS3383-34C
Stroud Public School
Stroud School pupils: Dora Martin (teacher), Glenn Harris, Billie Kidd, Clayton Ayers, Lorne Cooper, Wesley Willoughby, ------, Harry Madle, Carolyn Carscadden, Jennett Sproule, Doreen Boyd, Nancy Connell, Caryll Cumming Middle: Elizabeth Wanless, Shirley Willoughby, Mary Rix, Vicki Sabin, Bonnie Mulholland, Judy Harris, Susan Black, Karen Cooper, Joan Small, Linda Small, Gwynneth Lowery, Susanne Cherry, Kathleen Fox Front: Ross Campbell, Gary Fralick, Douglas Lowery, Wayne Ayers, ------, ---- Lee, Roger Rix, John Wanless, Douglas Campbell, Paul Murphy, Dennis Greeley Schools, IHS1047
Stroud Public School
Stroud School - Bogart Photo (Office at Peninsular Park, Big Bay Point Schools Costumes, IHS2192
Stroud Public School
Stroud Public School - 1893 Schools, IHS2191
Stroud Public School
Public School at Stroud - built 1923. (1st school built 1838, 2nd school built 1860, 3rd school built 1923) from page 12 of Tweedsmuir History of Stroud, Vol. 1., IHS3381-12
Stroud Public School - 1905-06
Back row left to right: W. Latimer, Stan Latimer, Laura Wright, Bert Robertson, Mabel Reid, Violet Sproule, Parker Peacock - Teacher, unknown, B. Mulholland, Millie Black, unknown, Lulu McCullough, Nellie Cave, Mamie Mathers; Second row: unknown, Ruby Johnson, Gregg, C. McComkey, Charlie Warnica, Edith Beelby, unknown, Jim Mathers, Wilfred Sutherland, Clarence Dolan, Belle Johnson, H. Dickie, Mathers, unknown, unknown, unknown, Donald Sutherland, Zelda Harper; Front row: Hester Black, F. Webb, Laura Sproule, Bert Wright, Bert Pratt, Jessie Webb, Bill Sutherland, unknown, Florence Beelby, Doug Nelson, Bill Johnston, Margaret Barclay, Beelby, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Johnston, Agnes Sutherland, unknown., IHS37
Stroud Public School 1873
Public school in Stroud - built in 1860 from page 15 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. #1., IHS3381-15
Stroud Public School 1928
L to R Back Row: Teacher-Mrs. Rae Abernethy, Jean Johnstone, Marguerite Simpkin, ____, Charles Nichol, Gordon Rix, Monty Shering, Isabel Shering, Jack Sharpe, R.J. Smyth, Tom Neelands, Amelia Neelands, Annie Third. Centre Row: L to R: Bernice Van Norman, Mary Johnston, Olive Shering, Tom Wright, Ernie Goheen, Bill Wright, Crawford Smyth, Lloyd Webb, George Shering, Tom Wright, Arthur Robertson. L to R Front Row: Wally Wright, Gordon Roberston, Jack Hughes, Jack Thompson, _____, Katharine Van Norman, Marion Reid, Winona Scythes, Margaret Thompson., IHS2244
Stroud Public School 1955 Jr.
Class photo at Stroud Public School 1955. Pictured from left to right, back row: David Pratt, unknown, Gary Blain, Ron Beleskey, unknown, Donna Jean Watson, Jackie Weatherill, Carolyn Weatherill, Kathy Burton, Betty Russell, Linda Campbell, Rita Van Leusen, Mary Fox, and teacher Mrs. Dora Martin. Second Row: unknown, Paul Murphy, Gordon Sutherland, Dolsey Plester, unknown, ---- Willoughby, three unknown, Mary Rix, Margaret Wanless, and two unknown. Third row: Bob Cumming, unknown, Dennis Durkee, Gary Greeley, Paul Campbell, John Mayes, Earl New, Gary Ayers, Jimmie Coleman, Billie Mulholland, two unknown, and Wayne Ferguson., IHS1049
Stroud Redmen Baseball Club 1950
Stroud Redmen Baseball Club 1950 South Simcoe League Champions Back: John Bowman, Fraser Sutherland, Leo Gibbons, Walter Flegel, Grant Wallace Middle: Harvey Flegel, Jack Wood, Danny Flegel, Roderick Black, Fraser Campbell Front: Murray Amos, Robin Wright, Austin Bowman, Donald Wice, Ronald Davies, IHS4238
Stroud Redmen Baseball Club Ii
Stroud Redman Baseball Club South Simcoe League Champions 1955 LtoR: Wilson Ransom, Wilson Black, Austin Bowman, Roderick Black, coach; Fraser Campbell, Leo Gibbons, Manager; Bruce Pinkney, Gary Beamish, Scotty Kell, Dave Sanderson, Murray Amos, IHS4239
Stroud Redmen Baseball Club, 1951
Group photo taken of the Stroud Redmen Baseball Club in 1951 when they were the South Simcoe Champions. Posed in three rows standing, sitting, and crouching respectively, the team members are all dressed in their uniforms of red jerseys with white piping and the word "Stroud" written on the left breast. The president, manager, and coach are dressed in suits and the photo was taken indoors. Pictured from left to right, back row: Harvey Flegel, Fraser Campbell, Rod Black, Jack Wood, and Gary Beamish. Centre row: President Walter Flegel, Robin Wright, Manager Leo Gibbons, John Bowman, and Coach Bill Gibbons. Front row: Grant Wallace, Bud Martin, Austin Bowman with trophy, Ron Davies, and Murray Amos., IHS4240
Stroud Residences
Residence of Mary Cowan and Mrs. Rix, in Stroud From Page 30 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. l Stroud Residences Mary Cowan Pearl Rix, IHS3381-30
Stroud Rolling Pin Throwers
Rolling pin throwers. From the Stroud Tweedsmuir Histories. Left to right: Norine Skilleter, Nancy Campbell, Jane Small, Cathy Fisher, Donna Steenes, Chyrel Hubbert, Linda Campbell, Carolyn Armstrong., IHS3383-55
Stroud S.S.#10
First Row Back: Mrs. Dora Martin (teacher), Glenn Harris, Billie Kidd, Clayton Ayers, Lorne Cooper, Wesley Willoughby,_______,Harry Madle, Carolyn Carscadden, Jennet Sproule, Doreen Boyd, Nancy Connel, Carol Cummins. 2nd Row: Elizabeth Wanless, Shirley Willoughby, Mary Rix, Vicky Sabin, Ronnie Mulhulland, Judy Harris, Susan Black, Karen Cooper, Joan Small, Linda Small, Gwen Lowrey,_______, Kathy Fox. 3rd Row:_no information______., IHS828
Stroud School
Photo of the Stroud school building, built in 1923. The image shows a multi-storied brick building with a gabled roof and latticed windows. The photo, taken from across the street, shows a stop sign in the foregroud, and leafless trees with two men in overcoats standing near the side of the building. The image can also be found in the Stroud Tweedsmuir Histories Vol. III., IHS3383-8
Stroud School - 1900'S
The public school was demolished in 1923 to make way for a brick Continuation School., IHS556
Stroud School - 1930
Stroud School: Back row: Annie Ayerst, Mary Black, Amelia Nulands, Geraldine Small, Mary Johnston, Eileen Reynolds, Jean Ross (teacher), Mildred Ferguson, Kathleen Hughes, Ruth Smith Middle row: Gordon Robertson, Bill Kelly, Chubb Shering, Milton Gallaway, Isobel Shering, Audrey Bowman, Helen Beatty, Lloyd Webb Front row: Clarence Ferguson, Beth Corby, Ruby Robertson, Olive Shering, Gordon Bremshaw, Jack Hughes, Everett Cameron, Douglas Robinson., IHS138
Stroud School - 1931-32
Stroud School 1931-32: Back row: Jean Ross (teacher), Arthur Robertson, Bert Smyth, Tom Neelands, Ernie Aitkins, Harved Reid, Hazel Robinson, Mae Ferguson, Isobel Shering, Marguerite Simpkin Second row: Winona Scythes, Annie Third, Mildred Ferguson, Mary Johnston, Kathleen Hughes, Audrey Borman, Winnie Gallaway, Amelia Mellands, Eileen Reynolds Front row: Melton Galloway, Gordon Robertson, Bert Hunter, Gordon Spring, Tom Wright, R.J. Smyth, Lloyd Neff, Crawford Smyth., IHS140
Stroud School - 1955
Back row: Harry J. Madle, Colin Sutherland, Joe Beleskey, Vernon Ayers, Wesely Willoughby, ____, Nancy Connel, Jennet Sproule, Doreen Boyd, Hannah Madle, Carolyn Carscadden Second row: Linda Small, Gweneth Lowrey, Lorraine Constable, Mary Rix, Susan Black, Faye Connel, Joan Small, Bonnie Mulholland, Carol Cummins, ___,____, Donald Murphy, ___, ____ Front row: Wayne Ayers, Doug Lowrey, ____, Glenn Harris, ____Ayers, Lorne Cooper, Paul Campbell, Gary Fralick, ____, Ross Campbell, ____., IHS827
Stroud School - Arbour Day
First Friday in May - Arbour Day, when yard at school was cleaned. List of names in this picture supplied by Jean Hand. Front row: Leila Harrington, Ruby Donnelly, Monty Sherring, Allan Hoover, Lewis Givens, (boy in front of Clarence Broley), ___Johnston head turned, Irene Smyth, Florence Herrington Second row: Mabel Herrington, Agnes Givens, Marion Webb, Violet Donnelly, Ted Hewson, Howard Broley (behind), girl___, Violette Ferris,____ boy with cap, Cliff Fagan, Lloyd Reynolds (?); Back row: Earl Jobbitt (holding rake), Doris Hewson, Mel Ferrier, holding rake, girl behind the rake Rita Hoover, bow in hair is Clara Beelby, ____boy-head turned, ____Johnston, ____, Arnold Meredith, Ted Webb, Verna Smyth, Goldie Givens, partly hidden, Marjorie Black., IHS44
Stroud School 1905
Back Row L to R: Stanley Bosworth, Stanley Latimer, Laura Wright, Bert Robertson, Mabel Reid, Violet Sproule, Parker Peacock, ________, Gertrude Wright, Susie Peacock (teacher) Wilfred Stewart,teacher, Bertie Mullholland, Harvey Dickie, Nellie Black,_____,Nellie Cave, Mayme Mathews. Centre Row, L to R: Katie Brewster, Lulu Black, Wallace Latimer,Ray McCullough, Jim Mathers, Warrington Hughes, Charlie Warnica, Ethel Beelby, Marion Black, Clarence Dolan, Alvin Webb, Wilfred Sutherland, Ida Mathers,_____Robert Sproule,_____,_____, Donald Sutherland, Zella Harper. Front Row L to R: Hester Black, Minnie Meredith, Fred Webb, Laura Sproule, Burt Wright, Bert Pratt. See also #37 for some alternate suggestions for some of the names., IHS1580
Stroud School 1907
Stroud Public School Photo taken July 2, 1907 by Douce Lefroy (J.H.) Note school structure. People unknown Schools - costumes, IHS1278
Stroud School 1925
L to R Back row: Lillian Broley, Mabel Harrington, Doris Houston, Ruby Wice, Elsie Webb, J.W. Latimer-teacher, Jean Sutherland, Lloyd Reynolds, Keith Constable, Bruce Wallace. L to R Front row: Ed Neelands, Agar Guest, Tom Bowman, Herb Webb, Elwin Smyth., IHS38
Stroud School 1939
Stroud School Pupils - Mrs. Marjorie Leask, teacher. Back Row Jack Young, Ron Davies, Norman Third, Glen Gillam, Ray Webb, John Bowman, Stanley Grimshaw, Edna Wice, Marion Dawson, Jeanine Wright. Middle: Gordon Ostrum, Don Wice, Austin Bowman, Fraser Campbell, Rod Black, Stanley Boyes, Doris Wice, Jean Campbell, Doreen Lawson, Bertie Mulholland, Edrie Webb. Front: Marlyn Martin, Jean Galloway, Shirley Webb, Joan Galloway, Mary Reynolds, Meril Webb, Jean Mulholland, Joan Mulhulland, Eleanore Black, Llewellyun Bell, Palmer Bowman., IHS2406
Stroud School 1945
Front: Vernon Ayers, Michael McManee, Dale Webb, Joyce Smith, Shirley Jones, Beverly Ayerst, Betty Lou Weatherill, Amelia Webb, Donna Webb, Kathy Jones, Patsy Mulholland, _____Norman Cross. Second: Wayne Ayers, _____, June Liddeard,_____,Evelyn Black, Joan Mulholland, Barbara Parsons, Beth Black, Bill Mulholland, Evelyn Ayers,_____, Duncan Campbell. Third: Brian McDonald, Glen Cross, Carol Constable, Donald Lowry, Bill Weatherill, Kenneth Webb, David Kellough, Bob Smith, Paul Black. Back: Marion Webb (teacher), Donald Campbell, Ronald Paul, David Armstrong, Wilson Black, _____,Joan Paul,_____Velma Hubbert (teacher).
