Innisfil Historical Society


St. James' United Church Reunion
Photo taken on the occasion of St. James United Church's Reunion. Pictured from left to right - Back Row: Cyril McDonald (organist at one time), William Hubbert, Oswald Black, Grant Mayor, Harvey Hughes, Samuel (Sam) Broley, Norman Wice, Herbert (Herb) Wallace, and Wilson Wice. Second Row: Florence (Flora) Neelands, Alice Pratt, Hilda Ferris, Jean Wice, by the Pulpit right Etna Reynolds, Eva Webb, Ruby Cockrane, and Leola McDonald. Third Row Front (l to r): Hazel Neelands, Bell Neelands, Edna Hughes, Evelyn Wright, Addie McConkey (Black), Mrs. Fred Peacock, Jessie Maxwell (Webb), Hilda (Hoover) Wice, Edith (McCraw) Reid, Mrs. Sam Reynolds. Front: Ministers: unknown, Rev. Mr. Morris, Rev. W.R. Clements., IHS1465
St. John'S Anglican Church
Exterior of St. John's Anglican Church, Cookstown, before being re-built in 1905.
St. John'S Anglican Church
Photo of the exterior of St. John's Anglican Church.
St. John'S Anglican Church
Photo of the exterior of St. John's Anglican Church in Cookstown. The original church was built in 1853 on a one-acre plot of land donated by a Mrs. Haggerty in memory of an early Cookstown pioneer, her father Mr. Perry. This black and white photo shows the front of the red brick building with rounded arch windows and door and a flat topped bell tower.
St. John'S Anglican Church
St. John's Anglican Church in Cookstown in the early 20th century., IHS1956
St. John'S Anglican Church
Note fence in foreground.
St. John'S Anglican Church
St. John's Anglican Church.
St. John'S Anglican Rectory
St. John's Anglican Rectory
St. John's Church Cemetery Gates
St. John's Anglican Church cemetery gates, which were built in 1961 by Gregg Davis of Churchill.
St. Paul'S Anglican
Photograph of the original St. Paul's Anglican church building. It was destroyed by fire in 1914 due to an overheated furnace. It was located on the opposite side of the highway to the present building., IHS554
St. Paul'S Anglican Church
St. Paul's - 3rd church - built in 1914 -From page 12 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. II Churches, Anglican,, IHS3382-12D
St. Paul'S Anglican-Harvest Home
Harvest Home in the Church, 1890. The minister at this time was Canon Murphy, who remained in the position for a significant length of time. Mr. Fred Quantz believed that he was christened at this church by Canon Murphy. When the church later caught fire, Fred and Beverly Quantz (still children), climbed the bell tower to save the bell itself. Fred was about 12 years old at the time. This same bell is cracked, because Fred and Beverly dropped it to the ground during their rescue., IHS642
St. Paul'S Cemetery
Photograph of the gates of St. Paul's Cemetery, which had been donated by Mrs. Helena (Lena) Raymes and family in memory of her father Mr. Fred Quantz. The plaque reads: "In memory of B. F. Quantz family.", IHS298
St. Paul'S Choir 1957
St. Paul's Choir, 1957, from page 13 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. 11., IHS3382
St. Paul'S School
St. Paul's School, IHS3385-18E
St. Paul'S School - 1932
Group photo of the pupils of St. Paul's #17 School in Innisfil. There are five boys and eleven girls and they are standing in three rows. Pictured from left to right - Top Row: Inez Ferrier, Jean Fell, Edith Bowman, teacher Helen Constable, Jean Aikins, Merton Rea, and Clive Fell. Second Row: Muriel Booth, Hazel Booth, Bertha Webb, Joyce Webb, Florence Pratt, Kathleen Aikins, and Dorothy Rae. Bottom Row: Lloyd Annis, Howard Ferrier, and Kenneth McDonald., IHS3669
St. Paul'S School 1940
Interior of St. Paul's School One room, heated by box stove that burned wood. Seats were secured to floor with screw nails No running water - water pail and cup Students shown here: (l to r): Earl Green, Russell Stunden, Bruce Pinkney, Bob Ransom, ------, Shirley Blundell, Joan Pinkney, ------, Harold Green, Leland Pinkney, Wilson Ransom, Anne Noon Buildings, IHS1090
St. Paul'S School 1945
Back row (L to R): Velma Hubbert(teacher), Sandy McMillan, Russel Browning,Roy Barron, Roy Pringle, Allen Pringle Front row: Harold Green, Russell Stunden, Earl Green, Ronnie Barron, Allan McMillan, IHS1088
St. Paul'S School 1950
Front row (L to r):Paul Stunden, Dale Pratt, Barry Lowe, Billy Noon, Diane Hanna, Luella Nesbitt, Caryll Cumming Second row: Brian Pratt, Mervyn Jennett, Jack Nesbitt, Marie Jennett, Eleanor Stunden, Lida Beamish, Marlene McArthur, Eileen Sweezy Back row: Gary Ransom, Larry Cumming, Allan McMillan, Leland Pinkney, Anne Noon, Velma Robson, Betty Blundell, Helen Nesbitt, Margie Noon, Velma Hubbert (teacher), IHS1093
St. Paul'S School 1955
Front Row (L to r): Larry Jennett, Ken Rowe, Rodger Webb, Beth Lowe, Dennis Curry, Duncan McArthur, Ellen Blundell, Margaret Becket, Stewart McIntyre, Peter Sheridan, Bob Sweezie Second Row: Joe Rowe, Andy Rowe, Leigh Ransom, Frank Vander Heyden, Archie Voogd, Joan Dykstra, Anne Ryder, June Blundell, Carol Barber, Barry Lowe, Dale Pratt, Ken Green, Danny Webb Back row: Lenore Bowman (student teacher), Cornelius Vander Heyden, Martin Dykstra,Dick Rowe, Paul Stunden, Mervyn Jennett, Brian Pratt, Velma Hubbert (teacher), Winston Rowe, Antoinette Vander Heyden, Marlene McArthur, Edna Kell, Diane Hanna, Miss Hill (student teacher), IHS1091
St. Paul'S School Ss#17
Teacher: Gladys Spring Standing: Jimmy Gardner, Douglas Fralick, Morley Browning,----Green, Cecil Browning,Dorothy Webb, Hazel Booth, Sandy McMillan, Lyall Browning, Bernice Mooney, Helene Mooney,Norine Barrett, Myrna Newton, Lorna McMillan, Gladys Aikins, ---Mooney, ---Mooney, Mary Dawson, ---Gubbels, Mervin Booth, Russell Browning, ---Green, ---Mooney. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS4088
St. Paul's Public School - 1956
Photo of St. Paul's Public School, class of 1956. Pictured from left to right, front row: Bob Sweezy, Ellen Blundell, Beth Lowe, unknown, Larry Jennett, --- Green, Katharina DeGroat, Brian Jackson, Dennis Hanna, unknown, and David Barber. Second row: Carol Barber, unknown, Edna Kell, Barry Lowe, Dale Pratt, Andy Rowe, Leigh Ransom, Ken Skinner, Dennis Curry, Frank Vander Heyden, June Blundell, Peter Sheridan, and Barry Lowe. Back row: Student teacher Kay Robinson, Diane Hanna, Eileen Sweezy, Ivan Robinson, Brian Pratt, Paul Stunden, Joe Rowe, unknown, student teacher Meg Samsel, and teacher Velma Hubbert., IHS1092
St. Paul's School - 1963
Grades 3 and 4, St. Paul's School. The Teacher was Wilda Johnson. Back Row: Terry Durkee, Gordon Gow, Larry Pringle, Linda Davis, Kathy Jackson, Heather Brown, Wendy Fellows, Debbie Webb, Debbie Durkee, Bev Howard, Deborah Goodyear Centre Row: Alan Gow, Mike Emms, Randy Dunn, Robbie Mendel, Teresa Gibson, Norma Skinner, Nancy Vissir, Anne-Marie Kuypers, Diane Perkins, Janice Metcalfe, Lindy Luchkiw Front Row: Daniel Nelson, Jeffrey Belanger, Jim Sanford, Mike Metcalf, Christopher Dorion, Steven Cowan, Robin Robertson, Richard Green, David Booth., IHS4110
St. Peter'S Anglican Choir
Photo depicting the choir of St. Peter's Anglican Church in Churchill. Pictured from left to right in the back row are: Patricia Rowe, Ernest Carr, Tom Fitzsimmins (Sr), and Bishop Wilkinson. Front row: Joseph Rowe, unknown, Richard Rowe, Tom Fitzsimmins (Jr), Ken Moffat, unknown, and H. Matchett. The choir members are dressed in white robes while the men on the far right are wearing suits., IHS3382-13B
St. Peter'S Anglican Church
The exterior of St. Peter's Anglican Church in Churchill in the early 20th century., IHS1638
St. Peter'S Anglican Church
Photo of the exterior of St. Paul's Anglican church., IHS2586
St. Peter'S Anglican Church, Churchill
Photograph taken outside St. Peter's Anglican Church in Churchill. Members of the congregation, photograph taken by Bill Akers. Back row: Hart Thomas, Lorne Matchett, Florence Flowers, Fred Morris, ____, Brian Jackson, Madge Jackson, a woman with face obscured Middle row: Mary Sloan, Tom Donnelly, Dora Beamish, Louise Reardon, Mary Donnelly, Joyce Matchett, Joy Christian, Jean Flowers, Elsie Winchester, Mrs. George Squibb, Mrs. Edward Sloan, Mrs. Fred Morris, Rev. Harry Walker Jackson, Mrs. Tom Donnelly, Mrs. Ada Akers Front row: Stewart Beamish, Lida Beamish, Joan Jackson, Douglas Beamish, Rev. A.B. Catheart, Edward Sloan., IHS3834
St.Paul'S Ladies Softball Team
Group photo of the St.Paul's Girls Softball Team based in Knock. Pictured from left to right, back row: Parker Kelcey, Marion Gibbons, Phyllis Sproule, Edna Kell, Eleanor Stunden, Ella Kelcey, Barbara Steves, and coach Herb Shannon. Middle Row: Kathie Bowman, Margaret Cowan, Lorraine Gregory, Mary Sturgess, and Dawn Sturgess. Front Row, holding a trophy: Marg Sturgess, Rhoda Mae Shannon, and Ruth Steves. This information was found on page 78 in the Stroud Tweedsmuir History Vol. 11., IHS3382-83A
Staff At Crawford Public School - 1968
The Staff at Crawford Public School: Mary Jane Ransom, Don Grant, Principal, Wilda Johnston A photograph of the grade 3 and 4 students is on file at the Document Centre., IHS4108
Staff at Crawford School - 1967
The staff at Crawford School in 1967. Pictured from left to right are two unknown women [possibly Miss Forgrave on the far left], Don Grant, and Wilda Johnston., IHS4109
