Innisfil Historical Society


Robert Sloan
Robert Sloan, husband of Ann Quantz b.1847, brother of Bruce and John. Blacksmith at Churchill when married. Blacksmith at Painswick 1880-1895 Moved to near Calgary. Daughter Allie married Fred Janes there. Other daughters, Emily and Julie died with scarlet fever and are buried in St. Paul's cemetery. Blacksmiths, IHS1101
Robert St. Thornton
Thornton, Robert Street., IHS2512
Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart and Connie Wisker photographed at Reid's farm on the 5th Line., IHS3640
Robert Stewart Family
Robert Stewart Family: Back: Harry, Wilfred, Charlie Centre: Robert J. and Mrs. Stewart Front: Millie and Mabel Stewart (b. 1889)., IHS1722
Robert Stewart Family
Family of Robert Stewart and Monica McCullough: (l to r): Wilfred Stewart, Harry Stewart, Mabel (Stewart) Donnelly, Charles Stewart, IHS1700
Robert Wallace
Great grandfather Wallace (Don Beatty's grandfather). Robert Wallace (1799-1864). Came to Canada in 1819. Married Ann Park, they had 10 children, 8 of whom were born in Innisfil. Four died young. He came from Scotland in 1819 or 1820 to Dalhousdie township, Lanark County., IHS113
Robert Wallace Sons
Robert Wallace and Ann Park's sons, who settled in Innisfil, 1832. Back: Robert(1836-1915), James (1834-1913). Front: George (1844-1812), Andrew(1839-1929), Hugh (1829-1914)., IHS1237
Robert Wallace'S Stone House
Photo of the stone house built by Robert Wallace and his sons. Robert Wallace and his wife, Ann Park, came to Innisfil in 1832 to this farm with two children: Hugh (1829-1914) and Jean (1831-1839). Eight more children were subsequently born on this farm., IHS1235
Roberts' Girls At De Grassi
Roberts' girls at De Grassi, 1903., IHS274
Roberts' Summer Cottage
Photo of the Roberts' summer cottage c. 1900., IHS268
Robertson Family
Robertson Family Portrait. Pictured - Men left to right: William (1873-1967) (married Ness, family farmed at Knock retired to Allandale) carpenter; Frank (1871-1953) married Margaret Constable (1882-1957) farmed at Knock then on Conc. 14, Innisfil. Later at Cookstown. Retired Stroud and Churchill. Their family: Wallace (1909-1993), Leslie (foster, 1911- ), Grace (1915-2011), Ruth (1917-1999), Jean (1919-2003), and Matthew (1879-1953) who married Edith Glassford, Sales Manager International Harvester, Winnipeg, daughter Marion, deceased. Women: Elizabeth (1870-1966) married Sam Dunsmore (1859-1923), son Britton (1905-1997) of Barrie (single) farmed Crown Hill; Ina (1890-1986) married Wes Dobson (deceased) kept store in Hamilton, later summer resort in Wasaga Beach, later moved to Barrie; mother Mary (Cook) Robertson (1850-1922); Mabel (standing) (1885-1967) single; Sadie (1876-1982) Registered Nurse, graduate of the first school of nursing at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, later moved to Barrie., IHS2609
Robertson, Frank
Portrait of Frank Wallace "Wally" Robertson, son of Frank Robertson and Margaret Constable, and brother to Grace, Ruth, and Jean., IHS2363
Robinson House (Former Hotel)
Photograph of a horse and buggy in front of Robinson House, an old hotel (not pictured). From left to right in the photo are: Dora Guest, Cora Guest, Dorothy Skilton, Mrs. James Carter (aunt of Dorothy Skilton), Mrs. Fred Guest, Doris Carter, and Milton Guest (son of Fred Guest). At that time the Carters lived in Robinson House after coming from England and before moving to Toronto., IHS1038
Robinson House At Big Bay Point
Photo of Robinson House, the hotel on Big Bay Point. It is a long two storey building painted white with a picket fence behind it. Much of the photo consists of an open grassy field full of large stones with trees on the right side. The hotel first came into being when William Robinson, a farmer on Big Bay Point, began taking summer boarders into his farmhouse. This proved profitable enough to convert the home into a two-storey hotel. Edward Adamson eventually took over, but the removal of steamers from the lake proved to be the hotel's downfall., IHS104
Robinson House Hotel
Photograph taken during an unknown special event in front of Robinson House, one of two hotels on Big Bay Point. The photo shows a large group of men, women, and children standing or sitting on the hotel's lawn, in the shade of some trees. The women are almost entirely wearing long sleeved dresses and hats while the men wear long dark coats. The long two-storey white hotel building is clear in the background., IHS1951
Robinson, Daughters Of Arthur
Daughters of Arthur (118132-1908) and Isabella Sproule(1833-1916) (l to r) Mary Robinson married Jim Feltis Annie " Alfred Ingham Isabella " Howard Cooper seated Margaret " William Cooper More material can be found at Knock, IHS2420
Robinson, Jack
Jak Robinson, dressed as a girl angel with a red wig made of binder twine mentioned in Norah's story - p.65-66 in "Skunks and Scholars" and photo p. 230 Costumes and clothes Entertainment - concerts, IHS3673
Rogerson, Alice
Alice Rogerson, born on NH Lot 12, Conc.3. Daughter of Frank Rogerson and Annie Haughton. Now Mrs. Charles Jefferies Mrs. Charles Jefferies, IHS973
Ronald Kelly Ice Fishing
Photo of Ronald William Kelly, son of William and Wilhimina "Mina" Janet (née Constable) Kelly, ice fishing on Lake Simcoe. He is dressed in knee high boots and a winter coat, holding up one of his catch, and is standing beside a small white ice hut. Ronald was born 18 November 1946 in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, and died on 8 April 2001 of a heart attack in Bermuda., IHS1008
Rosannah Webb
Photo of Rosannah Webb (née Smith) standing outdoors and holding a parasol, believed to have been taken during the First World War.
Rose Anne Sloan (Mrs. John Lucas)
Rose Anne Sloan, wife of John Lucas, the original settler on the south half of Lot 18, Concession 5., IHS1675
Ross Farm Cow
Beautiful cow which supplied milk for family and after separated by putting through separator the cream from milk, the cream was churned for family butter or to use for purchases at local stores.
Ross Picnic
Ross Picnic.
Ross Picnic
Ross Picnic.
Ross Picnic
Ross Picnic.
Ross Wallace - Lifetime Membership
Long time Innisfil Historian Ross Wallace is presented with a lifetime membership to the Simcoe County Historical Association by Jill Hynes, in honour of his long and valued commitment to this organization., IHS4289
Ross Wallace Graduation
Ross Wallace Graduation photograph 1955. From Page 205 of the Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Volume 11., IHS3382-111
Ross' School
Photo of the exterior of Ross' School in Cookstown. It was one of the early pioneering schools in the area and was a union school built on the corner of the 20th Sideroad and the 14th Line in the Tecumseth section of Cookstown. The photo shows the front entrance to the school and features a traditional bell tower.
Ross' School Class Photo, 1893
Group photo of the members of Ross' School, Cookstown, taken outside the building in 1893. Ross' school was one of the early pioneering schools in the area and was a union school built on the corner of the 20th Sideroad and the 14th Line in the Tecumseth section of Cookstown. The students pictured are lined up in four rows with the boys in shirtsleeves and girls in dresses. Pictured from left to right, back row: Sam Nixon, S. Speck, F. Davey, W. Speck, John Milligan, H. Campbell, F. Graham, and F. McFadden. Second row (from the back): L. McFadden, N. Chamberlain, Addie Erwin, M. Bunt, L. Beatty, Mrs. Taggart (Teacher), A. Gibson, G. Bunt, J. Duff, K. Graham, and H. Nixon. Third row: J. Duff, M. Apperly, F. Campbell, F. Apperley, E. Duff, U. Campbell, M. Graham, W. Adams, M. Bunt, and J. Parks. Front row: N. Campbell, C. Kell, M. Graham, N. Erwin, L. Speck, B. Campbell, I. Whitesides, W. Kell, M. McFadden, and N. Ross.
Ross' School Class Photo, 1894
Group photo of the members of Ross' School, Cookstown, taken outside the building in 1893. Ross' school was one of the early pioneering schools in the area and was a union school built on the corner of the 20th Sideroad and the 14th Line in the Tecumseth section of Cookstown. The students pictured are lined up in five rows with the boys in shirtsleeves and girls in dresses. Pictured from left to right, back row: O. Patterson, F. Apperley, F. McFadden, B. Adams, J. Campbell, S. Nixon, H. Purchase, C. Jebb, and Will Ross (Teacher). Second row: L. Graham, L. McFadden, M. Graham, K. Graham, N. Chamberlain, E. Murday, and E. Apperley. Third Row: H. Nixon, N. Ross, L. Kidd, B. Campbell, M. Graham, M. Purchase, and M. McFadden. Fourth row: W. Kell, L. Speck, B. Purchase, A. Graham, S. Patterson, H. Gibson, C. Nixon, and C. Kell. Front row: H. Apperley, B. Graham, B. Arnold, N. Campbell, J. Purchase, A. Purchase, S. Wood, and J. Parks.
