Basic Image Collection


Knock Heritage Centre
Program for Andrew Hunter Plaque unveiling and Heritage Garden Dedication Summary of Historical event by Donna Wice Boulder donated by Andrew and Ruth Cowan - engraved by Tompkins-Heels Monuments. Andrew Hunter plaque.Andrew Hunter family representatives at placque dedication - Murray and Margaret Warnica, Jean Warrington, Tom Bowman, Bill Warnica, Joan Robertson, Pat Pyke, Mayor Brian Jackson, MPP Joe Tascona, Mary Baggs, Bill Jack - the attendees at the dedication of Garden/Plaque at Knock. More information and pictures available at Knock Heritage Centre. Historical Photos, IHS3888
Knock Juvenile Baseball Team
The 1956 Knock Juvenile Baseball Team. Players from Left: Donald Gibbons, Herbie Shannon, Mervin Wice, Ian Gray, Jimmy Sturgess, Peter Metcalf, Gordon Cowan, David Sturgess, Don Shannon, Earl Shannon, Ron Cowan, presenter unknown., IHS3868
Knock Ladies Baseball Team
Outdoor team photo of the Knock Ladies Baseball Team in 1931. Pictured from left to right, back row, standing: Nancy Reynolds Stunden, Norma Jack Ferrier, Betty O'Connell, Marjorie Reid Cowan, and Blanche Andrew Cowan. Front row, kneeling: Muriel Kelly (later married to Jack Webster), Emily Meridith (later married to Joe Marquis), Nora Scythes, and Eugenie Webb Griffith. The team is dressed in white blouses, some with long sleeves and some with no sleeves, with dark loose fitting bottoms. Emily and Nora in the front row are holding to crossed bats, and the photo was taken in a field during the summer., IHS1610
Knock Men'S Ball Team
Outdoor group photo of the Knock Men's Baseball Team at Killarney Beach Park in 1920. The men are posed in three rows standing, kneeling, and sitting respectively, and are wearing their team uniform of short-sleeved shirts with the letter "K" on the left breast. Pictured from left to right, back row: Elmer Hunter, Maurice Martin, Timothy O'Connell, and Tom Allan. Middle Row: Delmore Adams, Ernie Wonch, and Frank Ayerst. Front row: Cliff Lockhart, Floyd Dyer, and Marshall Boyd. Front left in a newsboy cap is Oscar Bowman, the team's mascot and bat boy., IHS1780
Knock Picnic
FRONT ROW: ( l to r ): ________' ________' ________' ________'______' ______'Roy Allen, Tom Allen, Allan Watt,______' Donald Cowan, Willie Lautenback, George Wise, Mrs. Fred Ayerst,____Somers, _______' Willie Davis. SECOND ROW _______' _____' Marjorie Ness, with hat, Beatrice Ness, Mabel Lautenback behind Roy Allen, Gertie Hubbert behind Willie Lautenback,( Elizabeth Bowman behind George Wice )Mary A.Cowan (last 2nd row) Back Row: John Cowan, Sr. Mrs. John Cowan, baby Bruce Cowan, Frank Robertson Millie Rainey, ________' Jennie Reynolds,________' _______' Tom Reynolds _______________ Joseph Bowman behind Gertie Hubbert to the left Fred Reynolds behind Joe Bowman,_______' Harry Reynolds Extreme right to back: Mrs.Wm. Wonch with hat. Costumes., IHS1186
Knock Price Lists
Price Lists re Knock Grange Georgian Bay Regional Library System has original of microfilm Agriculture - Economics Georgian Bay Regional Library System, IHS3419
Knock Public School 1924
Knock Public school Daily Register S.S.#15 Birdie Warnica, teacher - January to June Beatrice Fraser, September to Dec. Schools Further information is available at Knock Document Centre, IHS1210
Knock School
Knock School #3385-18D
Knock School 1937
Front row: (L to r)) Ray Green, _______, Eddie Webb, Billie Jarman, _______. Second Row: ____, Bert Green, Douglas Peacock, Russel Paddison, Helen Webb, Jean Cowan, Audrey Miller, Marguerite Paddison Third row: Robert Cowan, Milton Webb, _____Trumbley, _____Trumbley, Blanche Andrew (Cowan)Teacher, Doreen Peacock, Doreen Green.
Knock School - 1920
Knock school - S.S.#15 - Public school Daily Register Elsie Ambler, teacher - Jan. to Dec. Schools, IHS1205
Knock School - 1965
Knock School, Class of 1964-65, the photo was taken by Ruth Wake, Teacher: Front row: Anna Zlender, Debbie Cochrane, Jeanne Blackstock, Beverly Roush, Margaret Russell, David Byron, David Neil, Henry Sander, Second row: Ronnie VanEldick, Alan Webb, David Warr, Doug Roush, Heather Cowan, Linda Gosney, Judy Ferguson Third row: Sharon Roush, Debbie Byron, John Evans, George Hewson, John VanEldick, Leonard Corbett, Fred Henry Back row: Paul Pope, Doug Reeves, Alan Holt, Pat Gosney, Maryanne Sander, Derrick Steeves, Brian Pope, Thereza Zlender, Zora Zlender, IHS4116
Knock School 1920-1921
(A) This was Miss Golding (Thompson) Foster's first school where she taught in 1920-1921. Back Row: Ruby Wice,___,___,___,___,Tom Bowman,Parker Kelcey, Joe Cochrane. Second Row: ___,___,___,___,Bruce Wice. Front Row: ___,___, Marjorie Bowman, Audrey Bowman (B)An article taken from the United Church Observer. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3907
Knock School 1945
First row: Dorothy Shannon, Eleanor Cowan, Verna Shannon, Grant Allen, Ray Green. Back row: Morley Allen, John Martin Robert Hunter, Donnie Cochrane, Maidie Cowan, Louise Shannon.
Knock School 1950
Front row: Earl Shannon, James Sturgess, Gordon Cowan, Andrew Cowan, Herb Shannon, George Burns, Terry Webb, Ronald Cowan, Ian Grey. Second row: Merv. Wice, Dawn Sturgess, Margaret Cowan, Wendy Grey, Marion Gibbons, _______, Kathleen Burns, Ella Kelsey, Mary Sturgess, George Burns, Selby Bowman. Third row: Dorothy Shannon, Dorothy Gibbons, Donnie Gibbons, Wayne Martin, Donald Shannon, Mike Webb, Frank Hogg, David Sturgess Back row: Bev. Cochrane, Bob Halfyard (teacher).
Knock School 1952
SS # 15 Knock Knock School was noted for particularly Good Christmas Concerts. The children of the school would prepare songs, drills, recitations and dialogues. The young people of the community no longer in school would also prepare plays and dialogues for the concert. As more and more people became involved, the concerts got longer and longer. There would even be speeches by people running for council. One concert ran so late it was after midnight before Santa arrived for the Children! Frank Cowan
Knock School Pupils 1897-98-99
Knock School pupils 1897-98-99, IHS1188
Knock School Sh Lot 10, Con.9
Front Row: John Cuttingham, David Sturgess, Dorothy Gibbons, John Krolicki, Donnie Gibbons, Wayne Martin, Selby Bowman Second Row: Verna Shannon, Eleanor Cowan, Barb Cuttingham, Dorothy Shannon, Bill Webb, Grant Allen, Bev. Cochrane. Back Row: John Martin, Morley Allen, Paul Krolicki, Donnie Cochrane, Maidie Cowan, Louise Shannon, Isobel (Scott) Webb (Mrs. Ray Webb)teacher., IHS716
Knock School, Innisfil
(A) This Knock School Photo Shows the Knock Grange Hall and shed for horses in the background. Back Row:___.Bruce Wice, Tom Bowman, Clarence Allen, ___,___,___,___,Joe Cochrane, Front Row:___,___,Ruby Wice,___,___,___,Marjorie Bowman, Audrey Bowman Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3906
Knock School-Con. 9, Sd.10
Back Row L to R: Addie Alpin, Marjorie Reid, Mina Henry, Florence Walt (and behind her, Teacher: Birdie Warnica), Bruce Wice, Tom Bowman, Parker Kelcey Middle Row: Jack Reynolds, Kenneth Mann, Marjorie Bowman, Reginald Tanner, John Henry, Alex Boyd. Front Row: Nancy Reynolds, Audrey Bowman, Francis Bowman, Patricia Mann, Marjorie Bain, Earl Bain
Knock Women'S Baseball Team
Outdoor team photo of the Knock Women's Baseball Team in 1924. The ladies are standing single file with hands on hips and are dressed in white blouses with pants tucked into knee high socks or stockings. Pictured from back of the line to front: Cliff Lockhart (coach), Lena Minnikin (later Monkhouse), Lena Graham (Mrs. Webb Butler), Margery Reid (Mrs. John Cowan), sister Florence O'Connell (later Caughlin), Verna Minnikin, Betty O'Connell, Ruby Wice (Mrs. Joe Cochrane), Vera Minnikin, and Edith Elson., IHS1777
Knock Women'S Baseball Team, 1922
Outdoor group photo of the Knock Women's Baseball Team in 1922. They are seated in two rows and dressed mostly in white blouses with dark skirts and Cliff Lockhart, presumably the team's coach, dressed in a suit and fedora. Pictured from left to right, back row: Ruby Wise (later Cochrane), Margery Reid (later Cowan), Verna Minnikin, Elsie Alpine, (later Sproule), Vera Minnikin, and Wilda Martin (later Reynolds). Front row: Lottie Cockrane (later Cowan), Lena Minnikin (later Monkhouse), Cliff Lockhart, Birdie Warnica (later Huckle), and Sister Florence O'Connell (Caughlin)., IHS1781
Knock Women'S Indoor Ball Team
Outdoor group photo taken of the Knock Indoor Women's Ball Team (date unknown). The ladies are posed in three rows standing, kneeling, and sitting respectively, and all are dressed in white blouses with dark coloured neckerchiefs and long dark skirts. Pictured from left to right, back row: Gertrude McCleod (teacher), Wilda Martin (Reynolds), and Lucy Sommers (Hunter). Centre row: Mary Summers (Maiel), Sister Florence O'Connell (Caughlin), Mary Walt (Boyd), and Mary O'Connell. Front row: Sadie Alpin, Jean Lockhart (Greene, later Brennan), and Lena Graham (Webb, later Butler)., IHS1776
Knowles , Nora
Knowles children : left, Nora Knowles, Twins Harold and Gerald knowles, then Bill knowles Taken at the Knowles farm 12 Con. St. Pauls, IHS657
Knowles William ( Billie )
Nora Victoria Knowles, B-May 24, 1913, D-Mar.15 2004, and William Foster Knowles( Billie ) B.June 10, 1914, D. July 25, 1969 ( brother and sister ) Nora and Billie were about 3 to 4 years old at the time picture was taken. - children of Lulu ( Quantz) Knowles sister of Fred Quantz., IHS672
Knowles, Nora
Nora Knowles with Margaret (Quantz) now Ferrier, taken on 12th line farm lot 16, St. Pauls., IHS674
L..O.L. Hall Craigvale
Craigvale L.O.L. Hall From Page 7 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. II Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site #, IHS3382-7B
Ladies At Barn Raising
Ladies who provided food at Chris Grose's barn raising, west of Lefroy. Agriculture buildings., IHS2372
Ladies At Tweedsmuir History Meeting
Ladies at Tweedsmuir History Meeting 1983 at the home of Olive Parker. Left to Right - Keatha Riley, Mrs. Bell, Alice Baker, and Mrs. Sylvester (Eva) Carter.
Ladies In Costume
Photo of Isabel Jacks (née Goodfellow) and Clara Goodfellow (née Kell) dressed in period costume while selling candy at a Painswick community fair. The costumes include elaborately designed dresses and bonnets. Helen Warnica stands to the left smiling while an unidentified boy peruses the candy selection., IHS923
Ladies On A Buggy
Photo of Mabel Guest (1883-1940), Pearl Soules (1887-1956), and Myrtle Guest (1880-1967) riding in a horse and buggy. Pearl Soules was the daughter of John Soules and Annie Guest. All three ladies are wearing broad brimmed sunhats and dark jackets., IHS2228
