Basic Image Collection


Irving Family Tree
Left to Right: Harry, Thomas, Harold, Beatrice (seated), Mabel and Sarah Irving, IHS2378-3
Irving Family Tree
Back Row (left to right): Irving, Lewis; Miller, _____; Cooper, Clarence; Hunter, Mark; Miller, Clifford; Irving, Harold Front Row (left to right): Hunter, Olive; Miller, Beatrice; Irving, Clara; Hunter, Hunter, Avie (Avelina); Irving, Sarah; Cooper, Mabel; Sparling, Gertrude; Front (sitting): Cooper, Dennis; Cooper, Irving, IHS2378-B
Irving Family Tree
Back Row (left to right): Alloncius, Paul (sitting); Cooper, Clarence (sitting); Cooper, Mabel; Miller, Audrey; Miller, Joyce; Cooper, Irving; Irving, Clara; Irving, Miller; Irving, Sarah; Miller, Lois (edge of picture) Front Row (left to right): Irving, Irene; Irving, Alex; Cooper, Doris; Irving, Myrtle, IHS2378-F
Irving Family Tree
Back(standing-left to right): Irving, Lewis; Miller, _____; Cooper, Clarence; Miller, Clifford Sitting (left to right): Irving, Harold; Irving, Cooper; Hunter, Mark; Sparling, Norval; Cooper, Dennis, IHS2378-A
Irving Nelson Farm Home
Irving Nelson on horse back with the Nelson farmhouse and barn in the background., IHS2276
Irving Robertson'S Farm
At Irving Robertson's Farm: Front: left to right - Robert Duncan, Frankie Robertson, Irving Robertson, Arthur Lyle (Guthrie Oro Twp.) Mrs. Norman King, Phoeme Lyle (Guthrie); Back: left to right - Irving Robertson, Margaret Robertson,-----,-----, George Lyle (Guthrie), John Robertson; Centre: Mrs. John Robertson, -----., IHS2349
Isaac Robinson
Isaac Robinson - proprietor of Robinson House - Big Bay Point- sold it to a syndicate. Died in 1893., IHS3350
Isaac Spring Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Spring's (the second) 35th Wedding Anniversary. Front:(l to r) Elmer Spring________Joan Jamieson Second row: Minnie Graham, Nancy Ambrose, Mrs. Peter Spring, Isaac and Isabella, Alec Fagan. Back row: Wallace Spring, Tom Fagan, Laura Fagan,(man concealed), Jean Switzer, Reuben Spring, Helen Spring (partly concealed), Mrs. Alec Fagan,_________, Jean Brooks, Herb Black., IHS1132
Isaac Spring-First Three Sons
Isaac Spring the First three sons: (L to R) Isaac the second (married Rosella Martin and Isavelle Fagan) Peter (sitting) (married Margaret McConkey) Albert (married Margaret Hudi) Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS1125
Isabel Allan
Isabel Allan - she originally came from Ireland. Mrs. May Allen (Thompson's) grandmother., IHS1145
Isabel Goodfellow With Cream Separator
Isabel Goodfellow (later Mrs. Wilfrid O. Jacks) and Major the dog operating a treddle separator on the Goodfellow farm near Stroud., IHS151
Isabel, Wilda, And Enid Carr
"Strathallan Woods" in the background. Going to Painswick School., IHS1948
Isabella Boyes
Portrait of Isabella Boyes (27 April 1875-22 July 1922), daughter of David Boyes and Janet Beck Patterson. Married William Cowan on 24 July, 1907 and had one child, Jean Elizabeth Cowan (14 June 1908-10 September 1982)., IHS2324
Isabella Henrietta Fagan
Portrait of Isabella Henrietta Fagan, born 14 May 1878 at SH Lot 26, Conc. 12. She was approximately 16 when this picture was taken. She would later marry Isaac Spring Jr., IHS1130s
Isabella Monkman
Outdoor photo of Isabella Monkman (née Heaslop, grandmother to Don Monkman) with her dog, a pitbull, standing on a sidewalk in front of a picket fence. Mrs. Monkman is wearing glasses and a long dark dress with a white lace design on the shoulders. The small amount of snow visible on the grass and the leafless trees suggest the photo was taken in the spring or late autumn., IHS1763
Isabella Reid Beatty
Isabella Reid Beatty, Mrs. Robt. Beatty, son Alvin, nephew Lynton., IHS3378
Isabelle Belfry
Portrait of Isabelle (Belle) Belfry (1857-1889), daughter of William Warren Belfry of NH Lot 17, Conc. 4. She had three brothers: Ephraim Holland, William Tileston, and James Belfry. She later married Richard Scantlebury of Toronto., IHS1106
Isobel (Holland) Taylor
Isobel (Holland) Taylor (Mrs. Dan Taylor), IHS608
J. Donnelly, L Beatty, F. Beatty
Jean Donnelly, Lydia Beatty, Florence Beatty. For further information see #3540, Beatty Family Tree. Photograph taken between 1900 and 1905., IHS3256
J. Maude R. Armson
Photo of J. Maude R. Armson of Bradford, the granddaughter of William Armson who was one of the first wardens of Simcoe County. She was also the wife of Churchill doctor Alfred Little and mother of Barrie doctor Bill Little., IHS2589
J. Percy Bloxham
J. Percy Bloxham enlisted 177th Battalion, served with 19th Battalion. Killed at Amiens, August 16, 1918.
J.A. Ardill
J.A. Ardill, one of the men responsible for bringing the telephone to Lefroy, was a shopkeeper., IHS486
J.D. Birnie And Frank Mulholland
J.D. Birnie and Frank Mulholland. From the Stroud Tweedsmuir Histories, Vol. 4., IHS3384-121
J.W. (Bill) Reid With Plow
J.W. (Bill) Reid with his single plow and R.G. Simpkin, Barrie Examiner columnist. This is the plow that Mr. Reid used to win prizes at various plowing matches., IHS2203
Jack Dinwoody and Isobel Mcbride
Jack Dinwoody and Isobel McBride.
Jack Family Brothers
The Jack family brothers - in the front row, left to right, William, John, Robert. In the back row Thomas and David. The photograph is taken at the old Jack homestead where later on Davie Jack lived on the south side, sixth line., IHS838
Jack Family Homestead
The Jack family homestead. House built by John Jack father of Norma Ferrier. (L to R) Wilfrid, John Jack (father), Hazel, Arthur, Edith (nee Dalby) Jack, (mother) with Kenny (babe in arms). 1 unknown., IHS844
