Basic Image Collection
Halfway House Hotel
Photo of the "Half Way House" Hotel, located on the northeast corner of Concession 4 and Highway 11. G. Timmons was the proprietor. The building was also known as the Churchill Hotel and Churchill House at various points in time. This photograph was published in The Witness with this caption "This old photo, provided through the courtesy of the Innisfil Document Centre, shows the building which probably gave the community of Churchill its name. During the 1850s, an innkeeper set up shop on the northeast corner of the intersection and hung out a sign reading, "Church Hill House." For many years the village name was Church Hill. The sign above the doorway in the photo, taken about 1906, reads, "Halfway House: G. Timmons, proprietor." Still extant today, the old hotel is a fine residence, the home of Ruth Terrell.", IHS2593
Hand Raised Barn At Mr. Corrigan'S Farm
This barn was raised by hand, one of the last in the area, at the farm of Mr. Willis Corrigan in Innisfil Township in 1930. The bricks for the basement foundation were brought from the old Coulter Hotel in Cookstown. Wooden pegs were used instead of nails for the framework. See writeup for complete details of this feat!
Hannah And Earl Jobbitt
Outdoor photo of Mrs. Hannah Jobbitt (married to Fred Jobbitt) sitting in a horse-drawn cart with her son Earl wearing a flat cap standing to the left of the horse. The names of the others in the cart, two ladies and one young girl, are unknown. The photo was taken a farmyard beside a barn with a house visible in the background., IHS4182
Harold And Mabel Bell And Their Daughters
Harold and Mabel Bell pictured with their daughters Helen (left) at age 16 (later married to Earl Gilmore (left) and Lilia (right) at age 18 (later married to "Bus" Culbert)., IHS1075
Harold Bell And Mabel Hill
Photo of Harold Bell (b. 1896), son of Andrew Bell and Alice Bateman, and his wife Mabel Hill of Elmvale. They married on 27 April 1921 and lived on NH lot 14, Conc. 1., IHS1074
Harold Irving
Harold Irving @ 6 months of age (Born circa December 21, 1894; Died November 26, 1947)
Irving Family Tree, IHS2378-6s
Harold Matchett
Harold Matchett born 1900 on SH Lot 12, Concession 1, and farmed there until retirement. The picture was taken when he was about five years old. He was the son of Andrew Matchett and Margaret Ann Davis. Mr. Matchett married Kathleen A. Condie, their children: Jean (Zielke), Kenneth (married Joan Kneeshaw), Edward (married Rena Turner) Gail (Anderson).
Harold Roberts
Harold Roberts and friend, taken at Roberts cottage at De Grassi c. 1900
De Grassi, IHS273
Harold Robertson'S Farm
"Queen" the horse and the cutter. Allan Robertson drives the horse and cutter with his father, Harold Robertson on seat. Keith standing. Janice on seat.
Sleds and sleighs
Harold Robertson, IHS3931
Harold Sheppard 1919
Harold Sheppard, 15 years old, standing along the old homestead waiting to go for his drivers license test
Lot 733, Plan 96, Bell Ewart, IHS684
Harold Sheppard, 1926
Photo of Mr. Harold Sheppard of Belle Ewart wearing a long black coat, flat cap, and knee boots standing beside his homemade ice boat. The photo was taken on Lake Simcoe at the end of Arnold St. near the shipyard., IHS682
Harold Webb Unveiling Plaque
Harold Webb (1901 - ) on the occasion of the unveling of the plaque "Mast for a Great Ship" He was born on this farm and cut down a similar pine for wood. He can remember when the stump of the pine which was cut for the mast was in "fair" shape., IHS4337
Harriette Rooney
Olive Parker (Mrs. Harold), Secretary 1985
Harriette Rooney (Mrs. K.J.), President 1985
At home of Muriel (Mrs. Hector) Smith.
Annual Meeting in April.
Harry Farrier
Portrait of Harry Farrier in his youth. He would later become the first policeman in Innisfil Township., IHS2452
Harry Fisher'S Store
Picture taken about 1920 - Harry Fisher's Store
Shown here Mr. Harry Fisher, Mrs. Marling, Mrs. Hopper (Miss Elsie Jenkins) and later Mrs. J.R. Couse, Mrs. Theodore McMillan, the banker's wife.
Donated by Mrs. L. Magloughlen (Marie Spindloe).
Harry King Family
The King Family --picture taken on the lawn of Mary and William Ralston.
Pauline and Harry King, Agnes and Arthur King, Charlottemand Thomas King, Aggie and Audus King, Amaelia King (mother ), Mary Jane and George King,Mary and William King, Lizzie and John King,
seated on the ground : Willian Ralston, Mary King Ralston, Harriet Ame;ia King Todd, John Todd. OHS 461
Harry Milne
Harry Milne, Lefroy, husband of Rogerson., IHS2364
Hart Power Tractor
Hart Power Tractor, steel-wheeled. Thomas S. Bowman on left, Norman Monroe on right., IHS2035
Photo of Roy Goodfellow and Calvin Boyd in 1954 working with a McKee Harvester to fill an open silo with corn silage. A harvester worked to fill a wagon with product from the field, and then returned to the barn or silo where the harvester could be hooked up to a pipe and the contents of the wagon would be transferred inside. Community member Scott Brown adds: "We had one of these McKee Harvester systems on our farm. It looks like the same set up as we had. It was used for blowing loose hay into a mow in the barn. We actually had an automatic unload wagon. There were beaters at the front of the wagon that slowly let the hay into the blower. Great way to put hay in the barn, but was a little extra work getting it out of the mow in the winter time.", IHS3934
Photo of the hay harvest on the Fred Lucas farm in 1930. The image shows two draft horses pulling a wagon stacked quite high with hay. George Lucas is standing on top of the pile holding the horses' reins with another unidentified man standing at the rear of the wagon. An unknown man and two children, Celestine Graham and Dorothy Lucas, stand beside the wagon., IHS1604
Harvesting Ice On Lake Simcoe
Ice Harvesting operation on Lake Simcoe at the foot of the 8th Line. Pictured are a set of workers preparing to guide rectangular blocks of ice down a channel and into a conveyor for transport to the ice storage house on shore. Cliff Carscadden was in charge of the laying out of the icefield and manning the circular saw mounted on a sled. Savannah Lodge appears in the upper left hand corner. Ice harvested from Lake Simcoe was shipped all over Canada and the United States. Large industries grew up around the cutting, storing and shipping of the ice. The railways built spur lines into places on the lake to pick up the ice, which was harvested in blocks — some weighing over 300 pounds. The ice would be stored in ice houses between layers of sawdust., IHS4197(a)
Harvesting Ice at Belle Ewart Ice Company, 5 March 1949
Photo of blocks of ice on an elevated conveyor belt with a man, John Ferguson, standing at the top of the elevator. The ice was stored by the Belle Ewart Ice Company and was used locally for cooling and refrigeration. The photo was taken on 5 March 1949 towards the end of the ice industry's heyday., IHS1914