Basic Image Collection


Craigvale Hotel
Photograph of the railway station and hotel situated east of railway tracks in Craigvale (now Stroud). William Harper owned the hotel for a significant period of time., IHS2184
Craigvale Post Office
Photo of the Craigvale Post Office circa 1900. The office was operated in the home of Robert McCraw at the time. A post office operated in Craigvale from 1863 until 1947. The photo shows an open door with the words "R. McCraw" and "Post Office" above it, with a picket fence and bushes in the foreground., IHS2197
Craigvale Post Office
Craigvale Post Office from 1867 to 1947, operated by W. Reid family from 1869., IHS3841
Craigvale Post Office
Last Post Office at Craigvale in the J.W. Reid home. Closed in 1947. Post office was in the family from 1868-1947 Residence of J.W. Reid
Craigvale Presbyterian Church
The Craigvale Presbyterian Church was built in 1864 and demolished in June of 1975. Victor Belton later built his house on the lot., IHS2186, IHS3547
Craigvale Presbyterian Church
Photograph taken from the road of the Craigvale Presbyterian Church, which was built in 1864 and demolished in 1975., IHS2187
Craigvale Railway Station
Craigvale railway station - from page 4 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. II Bob Webb loading freight, Ernie Goheen picking up mailbags, and Ted Webb. Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3382-4A
Craigvale Railway Station
Craigvale Railway Station - about one mile east of Stroud Railway Stations Engines, IHS405
Craigvale School - 1892
Back row two males left to right: Herbert Webb, William H. Green, Teacher; Second row left to right: little boy left Richard (Dick) Kneely, Tom Fagan, Steven Tanner, Fred Birnie, Bob (Robert) Howie, Billy Howie, Edwin Johnston, Charlie Robertson, George Kneely, Nellie Bond, Minnie (Margaret) Bond, Fanny Smith; Front row: Charlie Kneely Fred Robertson, Garfield Gordon, Sam Gordon, Lennox Black, Harry Birnie, Fred Smith, Florence Gordon, Annie Birnie, Tillie Hunter, Mayme Black., IHS1577
Craigvale School - 1928
On the way to try entrance to High School examinations at Lefroy, printed exam set by the Department of Education. Senior Fourth class of Craigvale School: left to right: Ray Johnston, Harold Reid, Goerge Weatherill, Ron Birnie, Henrietta Lee, Teacher, Lillian Johnston. Violet Brewster also a member of the class took the picture. Violet Brewster, Ray Johnston and Lillian Johnston topped Simcoe County in marks., IHS1385
Craigvale School - 1940
Back row left to right: Leonard Green, Bill Watson, June Pratt, Gladys Richardson, Beryl Purvis, Joyce Sproule, June Purvis, Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, Teacher; Second row left to right: Ina Watson, Norma Pratt, Merle Watson, Betty Spring, Shirley Green, Helen Richardson; Front row left to right: Milton Purvis, Morgan Watson, Reginald Pratt, Jerry Pratt, Paul Roberts, Joam Paul, Ronald Paul., IHS818
Craigvale School - 1952
Back row left to right: John Goodfellow, Bob Campbell, Dennis Thompson, Beverly Smith, David Neely, Jack Pratt, Edna Mae Spring, Enid Callow, Anna Connell, Phyllis Sproule Doreen Boyd, Carolyn Carscadden, Robert Flear, Teacher., IHS826
Craigvale School - 1953
Back row left to right: Teacher Mrs. Elda Shannon, Ted Dallimore, Fred Thompson, Ivan Vickers, John Dobinson, Bob Parsons, Ted Goodfellow, Bill Davies, Jane Johnston, Phyllis Sproule, Pat Riches, Raymonda Johnston, Donna Marie Mason; Second row: Peter Diuvenvoorden, Bobby Givens, John Duivenvorden, John Johnston, Don Johnson, Nick Duivenvorden, Jean Black, Joan Mooney, Judy Dallimore, Sheila Thompson, Fay Connell, Marilyn Johnston; Front row: Larry Connell, Harry Treadwell, ____, Larry Johnston, ____, Ruth Black, Coney Wright, Deanna Wright, Joyce Duivenvoorden, Glenda Mason, ____, ____, Sandra Willoughby, ____., IHS1381
Craigvale School - 1956
Back row left to right: Student Teacher (name unknown), Nick Duivenvoorden, John Johnston, Richard Bowman, John Duivenvoorden, John Dobinson, Mrs. Elda Shannon, Fred Thompson, Ted Dallimore, Donna Marie Mason, Raemonda Johnston, Jean Black, Student Teacher (name unknown); Second row: Robert Givens, Don Johnston, John Johnston, Joyce Duivenvoorden, Coney Wright, Sandra Willoughby, Ruth Black, Glenda Mason, Marilyn Johnston, Judy Dallimore, Faye Connell, Sheila Thompson, Madeline McKinley; Front row: Bruce Snider, Wayne Brown, Larry Johnston, Harry Treadwell, Larry Connell, Alan Sproule, Deanna Wright, Elizabeth Duivenvoorden, Ann Brown., IHS825
Craigvale School - 1957
Back row left to right: John Johnston, Harry Treadwell, John Stephens, Wayne King, George Dean, Bob Givens, Don Johnston, John Duivenvoorden, Nick Duivenvoorden, James Potts, Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, teacher; Second row left to right: Lynda Smith, Elizabeth Duivenvoorden, Ruth Black, Linda King, Sheila Thompson, Faye Connell, Jean Black, Glenda Mason, Joyce Duivenvoorden; Third row left to right: Sandra King, Marjorie Treadwell, John Colyn, Leonard King, Gary Dean, Allan Sproule, Danny Stephens, Paul Wilson, David Bernie, Larry Connell., IHS819
Craigvale School - 1958
Back row left to right: John Johnston, Bob Givens, Don Johnston, John Duivenvoorden, George Dean, Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, Teacher, Joyce Duivenvoorden, Jean Black, Sheila Thompson, Glenda Mason, Ruth Black; Second row: Alan Sproule, Jackie Stephens, Gary Dean, Nancy Duivenvoorden, Ida Colyn, Sandra King, Beverly Brown, Lynda Smith; Front row: John Colyn, Danny Stephens, Larry Connell, David Birnie, Paul Birnie, Paul Wilson., IHS824
Craigvale School - 1960
Back row left to right: Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, Larry Connell, David Birnie, Jackie Stephens, Ruth Black, Nancy Campbell, Elizabeth Duivenvoorden, Ida Colyn; Second row left to right: Danny Stephens, Ernest Sturgess, John Colyn, Nell Colyn, Lynda Smith, Joan Birnie, Nancy Duivenvoorden, Beverly Brown; Front row left to right: Paul Wilson, John Smith, Ewen Campbell, Wayne Brown, Allan Gibbins, Peter Duivenvoorden., IHS820
Craigvale School - 1961
Back row left to right: Paul Birnie, John Colyn, Harry Miller, Ronald Reeves, David Birnie, Bill Colborne, Clifford Matton, Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, Teacher, June ____, Lynda Colborne; Second row left to right: Billy ____, Danny Stephens, Ernest Sturgess, Ida Colyn, Nancy Duivenvoorden, Nelly Colyn, Beverly Brown, Eva Wright, Jacqueline Miller, Elizabeth Duivenvoorden; Front row left to right: Brian Wilson, Paul Wilson, Allan Gibbins, Peter Duivenvoorden, Billy Colyn, Joan Birnie, Debbie Wright, Sharon Greer, Anne Sturgess, Marjorie Reeves, Carol Miller., IHS821
Craigvale School - 1962
Back row left to right: Mrs. Grace (Herb) Black, Teacher, Ronald Reeves, Clifford Matton, Ernest Sturgess, John Colyn, Paul Birnie, Elizabeth Duivenvoorden, Ida Colyn, Nancy Duivenvoorden, Beverley Brown, Nelly Colyn, Eva Wright; Second row: Billy Colyn, Grant Gibbins, Allan Gibbins, Peter Duivenvoorden, Carol Miller, Ann Sturgess, Jackqueline Miller; Front row: Arthur Capelle, Ronald Sturgess, Clifford Reeves, Jerry Miller, Brian Wilson, George Chamara, Marjorie Reeves, Sharon Green, Debbie Wright, John Reeves., IHS822
Craigvale School 1912
S.S.#11 Boys, Craigvale School. Front: Robert Sproule, Fred Leonard, George Foster, Maurice Webb, Thomas Sproule. Center: Sam Foster, Douglas Tyrell, Wilfred Foster, Ross Brewster, Max Wallace, Jim Leonard, John Johnston. Back Row: Arlie Green, Fred Purvis, Robert Spring, Arthur Jack, Bill Young, Bill Spring, Roy Goodfellow.
Craigvale School Class Photo 1912
Class photo of Craigvale School, S.S. #11 circa 1912. Taken inside the classroom, in front of the blackboard, with three rows of girls wearing dresses. Pictured in the front row are: Mary Reid, Josephine Green, Alfretta Jobbit, Hazel Jack, and Ina Black. Middle row: Eveleen Reid, Alice Green, Gertie Nightingale, Chrissie Richardson and Agatha "Gath" Nightingale. Back row: Isabel Goodfellow, Mabel Jack, Meta Leonard, Carrie Black. If you can identify anyone else in this photo, please let us know through the "suggest a correction" option at the bottom of this page., IHS106
Craigvale School S.S. #11
Craigvale School S.S. #11 From Page 7 of Stroud Tweedsmuir History, Vol. II Further information is available at the Knock Heritage Site, IHS3382-7A
Craigvale School Ss #11
Craigvale School - Back Row Left to right: Mrs. Grace Black (teacher), Jackie Stephens, Paul Dean, Bob (Robert) Givens, George Dean, Gerald Van Dalen, Gary Dean; Second Row Left to Right: Ida Colyn, Ruth Black, Paul Birnie, Ralph Dean, John Colyn, Alan Sproule, David Birnie; Front Row Left to Right: Nellie Colyn, Lynda Smith, Allan Gibbins, Wayne Brown, Ernest Sturgess, Danny Stephens, Paul Wilson., IHS817
Crawford Public School
Black and white photo of Crawford Public School in the late 1950s. The school was built in 1953 and officially opened on 8 November 1954 as a result of a growing community need. Prior to the school's construction, children from the Tiffin Street area were required to take a Camp Borden bus to Copaco Corner (later the intersection of Innisfil and Tiffin Streets) and then travel by taxi to Holly School. Mr. William Crawford, grandfather of one of these students, donated land on Patterson Road on the condition that a school be built there. A second room was added in 1955, and a third room added in 1958. The first teacher was Mrs. Audrey Halfyard. The school was eventually closed and the building was used by the Simcoe County School Board as its South Regional Office. This photo shows the exterior of the building from the front left, with two 50s style cars parked in front of it., IHS3385-19C
Crawford Public School
Photo of the exterior of Crawford Public School, built in 1953 and officially opened on 8 November 1954 as a result of a growing community need. Prior to the school's construction, children from the Tiffin Street area were required to take a Camp Borden bus to Copaco Corner (later the intersection of Innisfil and Tiffin Streets) and then travel by taxi to Holly School. Mr. William Crawford, grandfather of one of these students, donated land on Patterson Road on the condition that a school be built there. A second room was added in 1955, and a third room added in 1958. The first teacher was Mrs. Audrey Halfyard. The school was eventually closed and the building was used by the Simcoe County School Board as its South Regional Office. This colour photo shows a long red brick building with a grey roof, and small overhang area for bicycle storage., IHS3518
Crooked Corners
Photo taken across from Holly School. The car is filled with members of the Srigley family., IHS2692
Croquet On Cedarvale Farm
Photo of a group of ladies, all wearing long sleeved white dresses with high collars, sitting beside a house and holding their croquet mallets after a game of croquet on the Cedarvale Farm. Pictured from left to right, back row: Miss Banton, Miss McCullough, and Florence Beatty (later married to Alexander McCullough). Front row: Connie Douse, Jean Donnelly, and Lydia Beatty., IHS875
Crosby Home In Bell Ewart
Mrs. Crosby's home in Bell Ewart, formerly the railway station master's home, showing the original siding on the back part of the house (board and batten). Railway tickets were sold from this house. The house was originally beside the railway spur to Bell Ewart and was located in what is now Bell Ewart Park and was moved to is present location before 1900. The man standing in front of the house is Mrs. Crosby's father, Captain Frederick Secord MacKay. He had the house shingled, likely before 1910. Mrs. Crosby had aluminum siding put on in 1976 or 1977., IHS3794
Crowning The Cookstown Fair Queen
Photo of the crowning ceremony from Cookstown's fall fair in 1980. The incoming Queen was Mary Bartolo, and the retiring Queen was Marie Thomas. Also pictured is Jill Parker. Both the retiring and incumbent Queens are wearing red sashes, and Mary is about to receive her crown.
Cultivating On Goodfellow'S Farm
Cultivating and harrowing on the farm of William J. Goodfellow. Pictured on the far left with the dog is William J. Goodfellow, and Ward Goodfellow on the next horse. Sitting on cultivator is Roy Goodfellow, and on the horse (far right) is Isabel Goodfellow., IHS859
